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Output Devices

An output device is any peripheral device that converts machine-readable information into people-readable form such as a monitor, printer, plotter and voice output device.


  • Monitors
  • Printers
  • Plotters
  • Voice Output Devices
  • Modems

Computer Display (Monitors)


A computer display is also called a display screen or video display terminal (VDT). A monitor is a screen used to display the output.
  • Screen resolution: A 1024x768 resolution means that it has 1024 dots in a line and 768 lines.


  • Interlaced/Non-interlaced: An interlaced technique refreshes the lines of the screen by exposing all odd lines first then all even lines next.
There are two forms of display: cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) and flat-panel display.


Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT)


A CRT is a vacuum tube used as a display screen for a computer output device. Although the CRT means only a tube, it usually refers to all monitors.

Monochrome Monitors

A monochrome monitor has two colors, one for foreground and the other for background.
Color Monitors
A color monitor is a display peripheral that displays more than two colors. Color monitors have been developed through the following paths.
  • CGA:
  • EGA:
  • VGA:
  • Super VGA:
Flat Panel Displays


Portable computers such as a lap top use flat panel displays, because they are more compact and consume less power than CRTs.

Liquid-Crystal Displays (LCDs)

A display technology that creates characters by means of reflected light and is commonly used in digital watches and laptop computers.
  • Backlit LCDs:
  • Active Matrix LCDs:


A printer is an output device that produces a hard copy of data. The resolution of printer output is expressed as DPI. Printers can be classified into different types in several ways.
  • Serial Printers:
  • Line Printers:
  • Page Printers:
  • Impact Printers:
  • Nonimpact Printers:
  • Bit-Mapped Printers:
  • Character-based Printers:


Microcomputers use five kinds of printers. They are daisy wheel printers, chain printers, dot-matrix printers, ink-jet printers, and laser printers.

Daisy-Wheel Printer

Chain Printer

Dot-Matrix Printer

Ink-Jet Printer



A plotter is a special-purpose output device that draws images with ink pens.
  • Drum Plotter:


  • Flatbed Plotter:


Voice-Output Devices


This device produces a human speech like sound, but actually is prerecorded vocalized sounds.


Another form of the output device is a modem. A modem is short for "Modulator-Demodulator." Modulation is the process of converting from digital to analog.
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